West Row Academy

West Row Academy Parent Friends Association (PFA)

The Parent Friends Association is a small group of parents and staff who work together to support the Academy.

Throughout the year, they plan and carry out a wide range of fundraising events at the academy. These are sometimes held during a weekend and sometimes part of community events.

Events include: discos, fetes and cake sales. As a result of the fundraising, the PFA are able to provide items to enhance our children’s educational experience.

Previously, fundraising enabled resources such as learning packs for each pupil, dictionaries throughout the school, WWF sponsored animals for each class, school trips and visitors in school. Special occasions have also been marked such as supporting the Queen’s Green Canopy and the Year 6 leavers’ party.

The PFA are always looking for parents to join and help out. If you are interested, either in joining as a member of our association, or simply as a volunteer for events, please contact Emma via the school office.