West Row Academy

Maths at West Row Academy

Our maths curriculum is designed to provide our children with a solid foundation in mathematical knowledge and skills, ensuring they develop fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities. In line with the White Rose Maths approach, we aim to create confident, curious mathematicians who are able to apply their learning to real-life contexts. The curriculum is structured to build a deep understanding of mathematical concepts, from number and place value to geometry and statistics, encouraging mathematical thinking at all stages.

We implement the White Rose Maths scheme of learning, ensuring a structured, progressive approach to mathematics. White Rose Maths provides a coherent framework, enabling our children to develop a deep understanding of key mathematical concepts year by year. The curriculum is carefully mapped to ensure that topics are revisited and built upon, with a strong focus on conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and problem-solving. We also emphasise the importance of mathematical language, reasoning skills, and the ability to explain their mathematical thinking.

Teaching and learning is designed to be interactive, engaging, and focused on mastery. Regular assessments allow us to track progress and provide tailored support for learners at all levels. Teachers use a variety of teaching strategies, including concrete, pictorial, and abstract approaches (CPA), to ensure that every child has access to the curriculum.

The impact of our maths curriculum is measured through a combination of ongoing formative assessments and summative evaluations. By following the White Rose Maths structure, we expect our children to develop strong mathematical foundations, making connections between different areas of mathematics, and applying their knowledge confidently. We aim for our children to not only achieve high standards in maths but also to be equipped with the skills to apply mathematics in everyday situations. Our goal is for our children to leave primary school with a love for maths, equipped with problem-solving skills and the confidence to tackle new challenges. Success is evidenced through both internal assessments and national assessments, as well as through our children’s increased confidence and enthusiasm for mathematics.

Websites to help with times tables