West Row Academy


Preparing the future generation through confidence, skill and knowledge so that they can keep up in an ever-evolving world.

We will:

  • Provide opportunities for our pupils to produce work that is meaningful and that will be admired
  • Provide opportunity for children to make connections with our community
  • Motivate our children to be ambitious with their learning
  • Enrich our pupils so that they can make links between the knowledge they are taught and provide them with opportunities to use and develop skills with a purpose that goes beyond work in school books
  • Teach pupils so that skills and knowledge is progressive whilst making this apparent to our learners
  • Enrich pupils through carefully planned trips, visitors and experiences
  • Develop creativity and curiosity in our pupils
  • Prepare our children to be resilient citizens
  • Develop an understanding in our pupils of the world around them
  • Prepare our pupils for their next stages of their educational careers and beyond so that they can cope in an ever-changing world